Why isn't Tools4Roku good enough for you ?
- well it is very good, and if you have a more advanced Soundbridge, I'd recommend heading over to Juergen's website and downloading his script.
However, my M400 can't display pictures and has a very small screen. I also found the RokuUI module a little clunky and wanted to create an easier interface to send display updates - hence the RokuLCD module.
Note that the RokuLCD module requires the RokuUI module as it inherits and uses the RokuUI methods. For more information on RokuLCD, the documentation is encapsulated within the module and can be accessed via a tool such as pod2html, or viewed here.
You're going to need something that runs Perl - whether it's a PC, a MAC or some other piece of hardware.
That box will also require the Net::Telnet package and wget (available for windows at http://www.gnu.org).
The following settings are user configurable: | |
$rokuIP | your Soundbridge's IP address |
$displaytype | your Soundbridge's model - 400 or 500 (anything else will default to 400) |
$pause | the number of minutes to wait before displaying weather |
$refresh | the number of minutes to wait before refreshing data |
$WebAddress | the Met Office URL for your area - see below. |
To get the WebAddress (in the UK only), go to http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/
Choose UK from the dropdown weather menu (under the Met Office logo)...
then "UK, region and location forecasts" under the Forecast heading...
then type in your postcode:
Copy the URL within single quotes into the script.