Friday, 31 July 2009

Instiki Lost Password

This is how I found the master password for my Instiki Wiki...

1. Googled "Instiki Lost Password" and found that passwords are in plain text in the /storage directory

2. Discovered that I don't have a /storage directory

3. Looked for anything with the word storage in the title

4. Discovered that the migrate_storage script had nothing to do with passwords

5. Looked for the database - \db\production.db.sqlite3

6. Opened it using SciTE as a last resort because I've got no idea how it's organised or should be read and I'd hit the point where I didn't care.

7. THERE IT WAS !!! In between an ESC and a NULL !!! Only half way down the page - no need to scan through reams of junk !

I really hope that this helps someone (and doesn't do any damage coz I'm an absolute novice with Instiki, Ruby and sqlite).


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